I have never met a long term Christian who has not experienced the ebb and flow of spiritual growth.
Most of us experienced a surge of spiritual growth when we first became a Christian. The excitement of learning, the joy we felt in worship, the warmth of Christian fellowship; it was all exhilarating!
But, over time the feelings fade. There aren’t as many “new truths” to be learned. We discover that some of the saints aren’t all that “warm,” and worship doesn’t seem as moving as it used to.
In other words, the honeymoon is over.
Suddenly, growing in our faith isn’t as easy as it once was. In the earliest stages of spiritual development, our growth was gauged mostly by our level of participation in church activities. All we had to do was show up in order to grow up.
But over time that growth tactic becomes less and less effective.
We need growth catalysts that will carry us year after year all the way home.
There are a few basic habits that every Christian MUST integrate into their life if they are to grow for the long haul. That’s why, beginning September 7th, we will be looking at the most NEGLECTED and at the same time the most EFFECTIVE tool for long term spiritual growth.
The largest and most comprehensive spiritual growth study ever performed in history revealed that among all the dozens of growth catalysts in the Christian journey, ONLY ONE carries through all stages: personal reading, reflection and application of the Bible.
I’ve heard so many Christians say, “Pastor Brian, I’ve tried reading my Bible before, but I struggle to understand it.”
If that’s you, then 40 Days in the Word was designed with you mind!
Our passion during this series is to EQUIP every attender to:
Nothing is more vital to your personal journey with Christ than His Word. Please make this series a priority. You can do this by:
- Attend every weekend
- Participate in a 40 Days in the Word Small Group (Find one here)
- Dig into God’s Word daily – we’re walking through the book of John together!
- OPTIONAL: FOUNDATIONS – a 12 week study of the major topics of the Bible. Meets every Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm beginning 09/03. Sign up HERE
I don’t want you to be caught off guard when you bump into Habakkuk in heaven and he asks you, “Say, did you read my book?” There are no Twix in heaven. 🙂
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