The Daniel Plan Hits ORBC by Storm
I can’t tell you how overwhelmed I have been by your response to The Daniel Plan. Normally, a post-Easter series ramps down towards summer, but the excitement and energy in our church family right now is amazing!
You’ve been sending me your emails, tweets and facebook messages by the dozens! Over and over people keep sharing how much this series is impacting their life. I don’t want you to miss out on the movement.
- 377 people signed a Daniel Plan Commitment card
- We sold out of the small group material THREE TIMES
- We have over 700 adults plugged into small groups
- and nearly 50 people signed up for the special Wednesday night large group option!!!
What Do I Need to Do Next?
Four things:
1. Get the book and READ IT. Information leads to transformation. What you don’t know IS killing you. Every bite you take should be an informed decision. Commit to learn about foods that heal and foods that kill. Click here to get the book on Amazon.
2. Get your numbers. Call your doctor and make an appointment…NOW! Ask for standard blood tests (they should do this normally). You are looking for the following numbers: Height, Weight, Waist size (1 inch above navel), Blood pressure (Systolic/Diastolic), Cholesterol #’s, and your Triglyceride.
3. Record your numbers and set your goals! This Sunday we’ll hand out the ORBC “My Health Snapshot” card to help you set your goals.
4. Sign up for the ORBC, Stride for Supplies 5k Run/Walk on June 7, 9am. CLICK HERE to register! You can change student’s lives while you’re changing yours! And remember, the first 300 people to sign up will also receive a free tee shirt!
As your pastor, I want to see you at your very best one year from now. Be determined to make some positive changes in your lifestyle that will directly improve your health. This is one way we can all truly worship our Creator.
“Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:23, NLT)
Love ya’ll!
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