As of this writing, there are 23 staffers serving at our church. Over the last 20 years, we have seen nearly 80 people come and go. That’s a lot of people who have been a part of our staff at one time or another.
Although nearly all those who have joined our team were a great fit, there have been some whose journey was destined to be short term.
I love what I heard Pastor Rick Warren say once, “Some people are called to Saddleback and some are called through Saddleback.”
With many years of experience, I’ve learned to spot some of the qualities that are indicative of staff that stick – attitudes that determine altitudes.
These are the signs of what I call Rock Star Staffers that make for a great team member.
As a play on words and to make it fun, I tell my team, “I’m looking for staffers who are “Ful” of it.”
Here’s my list of “FULS” that I’m looking for in a Rock Star Staffer
1) Fearful
Okay, I’m not talking about someone who jumps at every sound. I’m talking about a believer who walks in the “fear of God.”
Ephesians 5:15 in the NKJV says, “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise.”
Notice “circumspectly.” I love this word. Paul uses a phrase that could be translated, “Watch where you’re going,” with the idea of watching how you’re living.
Living in the fear of God doesn’t mean to live fearfully but respectfully.
Living in the fear of God doesn’t mean to live fearfully but respectfully. Share on XThink of electricity.
When I worked as an engineer, our mainframe computer systems were connected via power cables to huge transformers with so much electricity running through them you could hear them buzzing. When we removed the panels to expose the wiring for connectivity that buzz was a warning: DO NOT ACT FOOLISHLY. RESPECT THE POWER OR PAY THE PRICE.
Fearing God is a reverent acknowledgment that we live under the power, authority and accountability of a holy God. Recognizing that power should impact our behavior.
A Rock Star Staffer, first and foremost, has an authentic relationship with Jesus that impacts every aspect of how they live.
Meanwhile, the church…grew in strength and numbers. The believers learned how to walk in the fear of the Lord. ~ Acts 9:31, The Living Bible
2) Cheerful
I’m looking for staffers with a positive, upbeat “can do” spirit.
There are some people who see a problem in every solution. They’re the glass half empty people.
Some people, when asked if something can be done, automatically say NO! Their instinct is to think of reasons something can’t be done.
Rock Star Staffers are positive people whose outlook influences the outcome. Share on XThen there are team members who, when presented with an idea, respond instinctively, “Yes we can,” even when the idea is bad or impractical.
Positive people are not Pollyanna idealists or mindless minions. They are grounded in reality while inspired by possibility.
Rock Star Staffers are positive people whose outlook influences the outcome.
When a man is gloomy, everything seems to go wrong; when he is cheerful, everything seems right! ~ Proverbs 15:15, The Living Bible
3) Grateful
One of the fastest indicators of longevity is gratitude or the lack thereof.
I look for staffers who feel, “I work at the greatest place on earth!”
We have an incredible church and an amazing work environment. Is it perfect? Of course not. We only employ imperfect people like me!
Rock Star Staffers have an attitude of gratitude. Share on XWe ask all our new hires to write down everything they notice in the first 90 days that they feel needs improvement or seems confusing. We know that any environment not focused on continuous improvement has become lethargic and is not being honest. We also know that many of us have been here for so long that we’ve grown comfortable with each other and may not be aware of things that need to be changed or enhanced.
We learn a lot about a team member’s heart by what they note “needs to be changed.”
Rock Star Staffers have an attitude of gratitude.
And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. ~Ephesians 5:20, NLT
4) Helpful
How a staffer responds to being asked to do something menial or “below their pay grade” is a huge indicator of whether they’re going to make it.
You can tell if a person has the heart of a servant by how they respond when they are treated like one.
A Rock Star Staffer never says, “That’s not my job,” instead they say, “How can I help?” Share on XRock Star staffers go above and beyond. They do more than expected and they are always ready to jump in and offer a helping hand without having to be asked. They see other team members as colleagues, not competitors. They want everyone to win.
A Rock Star Staffer never says, “That’s not my job,” instead they say, “How can I help?”
Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. ~ Philippians 2:3, The Message
Every team member has a specific job description that includes a list of tasks they are expected to accomplish. Most of them work in a specific program area, e.g. Children’s ministry, Worship Arts, Guest Services, etc. These programs have developed processes designed to meet the program objectives. As our church grew larger it became necessary to also provide clear guidelines and policies for each of our ministries.
Programs, processes and policies, oh my!Rock Star staffers understand that PEOPLE, not programs, processes or policies are our ministry Share on X
All of these are simply tools that help us to accomplish our primary ministry: PEOPLE!
Rock Star staffers understand that PEOPLE, not programs, processes or policies are our ministry. Every week God sets divine appointments where we have the privilege to serve God by serving people.
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. ~ Micah 6:8, NIV84
At ORBC we take God very seriously, but we try not to take ourselves too seriously.
The quality which we have underestimated more than any other when bringing new members onto the team is a sense of humor. Our staff likes to laugh…to a fault.
Don’t get me wrong, we get on each other’s nerves just like any other family, but we enjoy what we do and who we get to do it with.
Staffers that have no sense of humor, a low EQ, or intolerance for cutting up probably won’t last.
Rock Star Staffers know how to work hard and play hard. Share on XRock Star Staffers know how to work hard and play hard.
Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is a slow death to be gloomy all the time. ~ Proverbs 17:22, GNB
The first couple of years in a new position are filled with challenges and a steep learning curve but after awhile the challenges diminish and one can begin to feel there is less to learn.
The danger is when we feel we know all we need to know to “do our job.”
Rock Star staffers are ones who never stop learning. They constantly push themselves to improve themselves and their ministry. Share on XAll leaders are learners. The moment you stop learning you stop leading. Growing churches require growing leaders.
Rock Star staffers are ones who never stop learning. They constantly push themselves to improve themselves and their ministry.
Do yourself a favour and learn all you can; then remember what you learn and you will prosper. ~ Proverbs 19:8, GNB
What does it take to be a lifelong learner? Humility.
Rock Star staffers are humble enough to realize that there’s always someone who’s been there, done that, and has so much to offer.
Humility allows us to draw out the pearls of wisdom from experts and elders.
Pay attention to your teacher and learn all you can. ~ Proverbs 23:12, GNB
As a former system engineer, it’s in my blood to analyze everything. Analyzing all the possible variants can be helpful for creating contingency plans and anticipating all the ways something can go wrong. However, it can also become debilitating.
It’s good to think things out but overthinking can cause paralysis by analysis.
Rock Star staffers get started even when they haven’t solved every problem. Share on XIt’s far better to get moving and fix the problems as they arise than it is to never engage.
Rock Star staffers get started even when they haven’t solved every problem.
If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done. ~ Ecclesiastes 11:4, The Living Bible
Fear of failure is the kissing cousin of over-analysis.

I tell staffers to go try something new. You’ll never be reprimanded for failing when you were trying to advance the mission.
Rock Star staffers fear regret more than failure. Share on X
Staffers who become paralyzed by fear of failure fall into two traps:
#1 They don’t self-initiate. They sit around waiting to be told what to do.
#2 They disengage their mind from the task and will do something they know is dumb because “that’s what you asked me to do.”
Rock Star staffers fear regret more than failure. They take the time to invest relationally with their boss in order to build enough trust collateral to conquer their fear of failure.
Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. ~ 1 John 4:18, NLT
We often think of our first responders as people who are “all in,” and rightly so. Their mission matters. Lives hang in the balance.
The mission of the church is more critical than any other industry on earth. What we do changes eternity.
Rock Star Staffers operate like soldiers in a battle – totally committed to my calling and my comrades. Share on XWhen we invite someone to join our team, we invite them to join our DREAM.
We DREAM of lives changed by the love of Jesus Christ.
That dream is worthy of total commitment.
Zig Ziglar said, “Most people who fail in their dream fail not from lack of ability but from lack of commitment.”

Rock Star Staffers operate like soldiers in a battle – totally committed to my calling and my comrades.
A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. ~ Proverbs 17:17, NLT
The healthiest workplace environments I’ve ever seen have a culture of honor. There is a healthy balance of respect for authority coupled with trust.
Our culture has experienced so much toxic leadership that we’ve embraced a spirit of distrust and dishonor for nearly all leadership.
Today’s younger generation’s approach towards respect and honor is to look at the leader and defiantly say, “Earn it.” There’s a void of respect for the position of leadership.
Social Media has fostered a false sense that all voices are equal, all leaders are on trial and respect is an outdated idea of a bygone era.
Rock Star Staffers have an attitude of honor for those who have served faithfully before them and blazed the trails for the mission that afforded them the opportunity to join the team. Share on XThat may be true in our culture but it is certainly not true in Christianity.
The Bible says:
Give to everyone what you owe them…give respect and honor to those who are in authority. ~ Romans 13:7, NLT
Rock Star Staffers have an attitude of honor for those who have served faithfully before them and blazed the trails for the mission that afforded them the opportunity to join the team.
There’s my “ful” of it list.
What would you add or change?
Scott Creager
Posted at 15:51h, 30 JulyTruthful. Without integrity all others on the list crumble.