
What are the Ingredients of Growth?

The goal of Christianity is not heaven.  The goal of Christianity is to become like Jesus.  Unfortunately, not all Christians fully develop.  There are a lot of “half-baked” believers out there.  Sometimes the problem is simply time.  They haven’t matured yet because they haven’t been a believer for very long.  But sometimes the problem lies in the recipe.

For a great cake there are no shortcuts.  You need the right ingredients, in the right proportion (I’ve learned that using a tablespoon rather than a teaspoon can radically alter the outcome. Who knew?!), mixed properly and baked for the right amount of time.  That not only makes a great cake, it makes a great Christian!

So what are the ingredients of growth?

Although there are actually FIVE critical ingredients, I want to list three fundamental ingredients every Christian needs in order to fully develop:

1. YOU NEED A CHURCH TO CHANGE. God has assigned a mission to the church and designed every disciple to play a part.  God’s mission on earth is to reach every person with the good news of the gospel.  That’s a pretty tall order.  To do that He established local churches as strategic outposts responsible for their local community.  And He distributed assignments to every member to play a special part in that mission. When we work together as members of a local church, God multiplies our impact and we not only grow His kingdom on earth, but He grows His kingdom in our heart.  Are you on mission with ORBC?

2. YOU NEED A GROUP TO GROW. Real growth can only happen when people can see the real me.  Intimacy can be defined as “Into me, see!”  I will never grow beyond my ability to be honest and transparent.  No one has it all together.  We all struggle with sin, weakness, fears, doubts, distraction, frustration, stress, laziness, and the list goes on.  When we try to carry this load on our own we buckle under the weight.  But when we do life together it divides the load and doubles the joy!  Are you part of a small group?

3. YOU NEED A MINISTRY TO MATURE.  If the goal of Christianity is to be like Jesus, then you are never more like Jesus than when you are serving someone who can do nothing for you in return.  Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28, NLT)  Are you giving your life away for the “least of these?”

Cakes are sweet, but nothing compares to a connected believer cooperating with the mission of the local church through compassionate ministry to the glory of God!

Now, let’s go get some Smith Island and win the world!!!

  • Debra Stevens
    Posted at 23:20h, 28 October Reply

    Brian, you always get me right where I am! Hmmmm, how is that? I think I finally feel the rolling pin over my head (going with the whole baking theme). Thanks…..time for me to get out of the comfort (food) zone.

    • Brian Moss
      Posted at 17:12h, 31 October Reply

      Ask Rosie about rolling pins and my head sometime! 😉

  • Stacie Siers
    Posted at 01:02h, 30 October Reply

    Would it be completely wrong to share your blog with my half-baked Christian friends? 🙂

    • Brian Moss
      Posted at 17:11h, 31 October Reply

      Not if you send them a cake also!

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